9 Things To Do Before You Hit 30

admin May 22, 2018
Updated 2019/11/25 at 6:22 PM
Before Hitting 30- 9 Things To Do Or Experience Before Then

Flash back to your 12-year-old self’s daydreams and wishes about things you planned to do before hitting 30. Probably you believed you would be living it up in your dream school, learning during the day and partying in the night. Maybe you pictured yourself a world traveler, traveling across Europe and spending all your traveling days sipping wine with the world’s most famous and fascinating people.

If your day dreams didn’t really turn out as you wished, it’s fine! You really should still be popping champagne and celebrating your twenties. Your twenties is probably the best time for adventure and fun. A lot of us will settle down someday, probably in our 30s, create beautiful families and become permanent in our neighborhoods of choice. But for you, that day is not today.

So if you are in your twenties, here is a list of things you should do before hitting 30;

9 Things To Do Before You Hit 30


Travel somewhere you don’t know the language.

Traveling to a place where you can’t easily communicate with other people can be scary. But not only would it expose you and make you familiar with another culture, it would also make you really learn the language, which is something we’re not really forced to do.

Attend a multi-day/weekend music festival.

Staying away from responsibility, relaxing, and listening to good music for days is a great thing to do. So this should be a thing to do before hitting 30?

Overcome a fear.

Sometimes your fears can hold you back, but try not to let them. Take steps to conquer your fear of height, of meeting people, or public speaking. Once you know what you can do, anything is possible.

Treat yourself to something very expensive.

Get yourself something expensive and pay for it in cash. Anything like a new computer, a designer handbag or a weekend getaway at an upscale resort and spa. This is something you really deserve for working very hard.

Forgive yourself for your mistakes.

Realizing you have made a huge mistake by missing a good job offer might look like it is the end of your life, but it’s not. Just forgive yourself and move on. You should also let go of grudges, don’t hold them against yourself.

Eat really expensive food.

Treat yourself (and probably your partner) to a meal at one of the world’s best restaurants is a great thing to experience before hitting 30. Discover what all of the rave is about and enjoy food made by the person who invented the cooking method.

Pick a cause and be passionate about it.

You can try a cancer research or clean water, donate and try to help people and advance your cause. Don’t just tell people you’re interested in a cause, go out, live it, and be it. Volunteer your time, fund-raise or give. Change doesn’t happen by just sitting at home on your couch.

Try out a menial job

Get a job where you won’t advance but requires tipping is a good thing to experience before hitting 30. You’ll gain more appreciation for people you meet in your future who view tips as the biggest part of their salary.

If this job doesn’t fit into your normal career plan, try taking up a second job during the holidays — you’ll be thankful for the extra income and you’ll gain some experience for people who work for minimum wage as a full time job.

And finally, make a list of 40 things you have to do before you hit 40.

Even if you do it for it’s fun.


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