Tips For Establishing A Successful Hairdressing Business In Nigeria

admin April 27, 2018
Updated 2019/12/03 at 1:13 PM
Tips For Establishing A Successful Hairdressing Business In Nigeria

The Hairdressing Business is fast among the top competitive small scale business in Nigeria. With this boom comes the downside, around us we see the rise and fall of many hairdressing salons which comes with these undue competitions.

It is now regarded as a survival of the fittest kind of business venture. This begs the question-How do you open a successful Hairdressing business here in Nigeria and do not fall out with other Hairdressing stores in the region.

Tips For Establishing A Successful Hairdressing Business In Nigeria

These article aims at giving seven practical steps with which to build that successful hairdressing business.

Step 1: Practical Education

Before beginning any business venture, Ensure to get the best education from other successful business owners in the hairdressing business field . Even if you do not wish to learn the art of Hairdressing, you can volunteer as a cleaner under this institution and learn the tactics and strategies that have kept them going for this long.

Step 2: Financial Education

Gone are the days of leaping into any business venture without the right financial knowledge. You must build a business plan (it gives excellent advantage and clear focus), to build this plan, you require financial education; there are a lot of literature on the basic financial education, required by a business owner. You must understand simple bookkeeping principles, operating expenses and so on.

Step 3: Time Management

A lot of business owners make the mistake of including into their services, the act of proffering services to their clients. As good as you are in this art, you require the services of others, this ensures that you remain focused on what is most crucial- managing the entire hairdressing business. You must employ and personally train employees that will help achieve your dreams. This will leave you open to thoroughly keeping records of feedbacks from clients, complaints, market analysis, service analysis and overall it enables you focus on only effectively increasing the productivity of your business.

Step 4: Accurate Pricing Strategies

Pricing of your services is another crucial matter, if you set your prices too high, you limit your services to a certain amount of people. If you set it too low, you entertain all manner of people ensuring over labor and no productivity. Understand the target market, i.e. people you wish to offer services to and use this factor in setting the right pace. Ensure that your target market is closest to your business venture.

Step 5: Innovation

Give your Business a unique style and pattern; this could be expressed in things as simple as the décor of your building and as elaborate as your appointment patterns. This depicts seriousness and gives potential clients the air of being aligned with success. It also ensures that your client will always advertise you to others as he/she is proud of being your customer.

Step 6: Analysis

Your business, no matter how small is still fundamentally a business enterprise; you must be aware of these and ensure to do only those strategies that increase efficiency. To do this ensure that from time to time, analyze your business properly; look at weak links and build strategies to increase proficiency. You will never do wrong my doing this simple act. These ensure you stay ahead of the dynamic market.

Step 7: Advertising

Every successful business strongly hits on the importance of Advertising. Even as a small business owner with a lot of steady clients, advertising still helps to keep promoting your business in the hearts of your customers and potential clients. Utilize paper advertisements, Social Media platforms and little memoirs to keep bring your business to the front of the line. Other very good promotional strategies include discount sales on products and services, luncheons and even parties. Be creative.

There are also do-nots that ruin your business venture
• Never turn your business into a charity organization
• Limit the services of credit marketing, no woman is potentially credit worthy in this business
• Maintain a cordial distance relationships with your customers
• Do not gossip as it gives the wrong impressions to your customers

A hairdressing Business is not a 9 to 5 job kind of business; it requires time, patience, perseverance and Hard work. Ensure to add all of these skills and watch your business soar to better levels.

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